Conference site
QUATIC 2023 was held in Aveiro, Portugal.
Scientific chairs
Verification, Validation, and Testing
- Chair: Domenico Amalfitano (University of Naples, Italy)
- Chair: Matteo Camilli (Politecnico de Milano, Italy)
Quality Requirements
- Chair: Daniela Cruzes (NTNU, Norway)
- Chair: Michael Unterkalmsteiner (BTH, Sweden)
ICT Process Improvement, Organisation, and Governance
- Chair: Andreia Malucelli (PUC-PR, Brazil)
- Chair: Karol Frühauf (Infogem AG, Switzerland)
Quality Aspects of Digital Transformation
- Chair: Antonio Guerrieri (ICAR, Italy)
- Chair: Claudio Micelli de Farias (UFRJ, Brazil)
Quality Aspects of Human-Factors in Software Engineering
- Chair: Maria Teresa Baldassarre (University of Bari, Italy)
- Chair: Fabian Fagerholm (Aalto University, Finland)
Journal First and Special Issue
- Andrea Janes (Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Austria)